Remix Manifesto

The “Remix Manifesto” film was an eye-opening movie that addressed things about copyright that I didn’t know. I was already familiar with Disney, extended the time of a product’s eligibility to enter the free domain. However, I was not familiar with people legitimately being sued by corporations, for downloading music for free. That sort of thing was always something I believed was just joked about, and never really came into fruition. I think the current law of copyright needs to change and become more open, because of the digital world we live today. Today, everything is being shared online with the use of social media, at a rapid pace. Music gets leaked and remixed, movie and tv shows get dubbed over, and pictures get edited every day. There is no way to sue everyone who does these things, so there shouldn’t be a select few people that get charged thousands of dollars for “copyright”. I believe if someone remixes a song and it’s unrecognizable from the original, or simply samples a famous verse, it is an original piece of art.


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